A Pearl Of A Habitation Inwards Stockholm!

Can I merely say, I've really loved writing my weblog lately! I seat this largely downward to your input from the recent survey which has inspired me to force the boat out a footling to a greater extent than together with characteristic a greater diversity of styles, the strange quirky (yet fabulous) habitation together with a tad to a greater extent than colouring textile together with pattern- tack så mycket! I promise you've enjoyed all the recent tours too! Today's home, is to a greater extent than or less other gem, together with although unique, it's difficult non to autumn completely inwards beloved alongside it!  Situated on Mariatorg inwards Stockholm, Anna Lidman together with Mattias' functionalism floor has been decorated alongside an eclectic blend of furniture, unique pattern together with bespoke, handmade items. arctic gardener would move proud!).

I promise you lot enjoyed the tour equally much equally I did! I read inwards Isabelle's post service that Anna together with Mattias' habitation is withal a piece of job inwards progress (the pair combined 2 apartments together to practise a bigger living area) - I can't await to run across what they practise next, how close you?!

See to a greater extent than pictures of the habitation here together with a charge of inspiring Swedish habitation tours inwards the archive here!

I'm sitting inwards a café inwards Stockholm wiling away my final few hours earlier I caput dorsum to Malmö this evening. It's been such an inspiring trip - but now, equally it comes to a unopen I can't await to run across the crazies dorsum habitation together with give them a stor kram!

Have a non bad evening! 

Photography © Isabelle Pedersen / shared alongside sort permission.

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